Summer-Week 2
Monday-Work day. The boys did some of their chores today. Bear sorted my mass of coupons & C folded laundry, stripped sheets & made beds when they were clean & dry.
Tuesday-(today) Started out with a trip to Grandma's office to get my coupons as well as drop off some info for her.

Next we went to The Donut Whole. If you have not been there, you need to go! 1720 E Douglas in Wichita. They feature over 25 different flavors of donuts. Today's breakfast consisted of 2 Cherry Bombs, 1 Cherry Cordial, 1 Lemon Cooler, 1 Rainbow sprinkle, & wait for it...wait for it...Maple Bacon. Oh yeah, baby, I said BACON! Ok, the 1st time I heard about this, I was thinkin' bacon? on a donut? but it was delicious. I think next time I'll try the Fluffernutter(peanutbutter & marshmallow).
After that we made a trip to Sam's for our fresh & frozen fruit for fruit smoothies & fresh juice from my Jack Lalaine juicer. We were still pretty full from breakfast so we had a late lunch after tennis lessons.

For a midafternoon snack, we made Ice Cream in a Bag from Family Fun Magazine. It really works AND it's a great arm workout! Of course, we can't always go by the recipe. We tried some "mix-ins". C thought of mini choco chips & Bear used Andes mint pieces. Chocolate was my choice. Recipe follows.

Combine 2T sugar, 1c Half & Half & 1/2 t. vanilla extract in a sandwich ziploc bag & seal tightly.
Place 1/2 c. coarse salt (ice cream salt or table salt will work) in a gallon size ziploc bag, then fill 1/2 way with ICE CUBES. Place the sealed smaller bag inside as well, & seal the larger bag. Shake the bags until the ice cream mixture hardens, about 5 minutes. (Feel the small bag to determine when it's done.) Take the smaller bag out of the larger one and eat the ice cream right our of the bag. Serves 1.
Side note: You can also add 1-2 T mini chocolate chips or chocolate syrup to the mix b/4 freezing. Be creative...make it your own.
* I found it easier for the kids to add their own ingredients by putting the sandwich bag in a cup big enough to hold everything w/o it tipping & spilling all over the counter.